“Here in time we are celebrating the eternal birth which God the Father bore and unceasingly bears in eternity, because this same birth is now born in time”
(German Servmon 1, trans M. O’C. Walshe)
Donate to The Eckhart Society
As even a casual visitor to this website will appreciate, The Eckhart Society is very active in promoting Meister Eckhart’s thought and theology. The Society publishes two issues a year of its peer-reviewed journal, Medieval Mystical Theology, and produces a quarterly Newsletter for members.
Each year The Eckhart Society holds a residential weekend Annual Conference with eminent speakers drawn from relevant disciplines and different religions. It also organises a one-day pastoral Event in Spring with the emphasis on the practical application of Eckhart’s theology. It does much more besides.

All this requires the dedicated support and effort of unpaid volunteers. It also requires funds. At present the subscription income of the Society pays for less than half of its costs. The rest comes from the sale of publications, the surplus on activities and donations. Without donations we could not survive. Please, therefore, be as generous as you can.