“Do not imagine that your reason can grow to the knowledge of God.”
(German sermon 4, trans M. O’C. Walshe)
Online Resources
- Centre for Medieval Studies
(University of Leeds) - International Medieval Institute
(University of Leeds) - Centre for Medieval Studies
(University of Bristol) - Equipe de Recherches sur les Mystiques Rhenans
(Universite de Metz, Universite M.Bloch Strasbourg, Universite de Bruxelles and Universite de Lyon - Medieval Institute (Western Michigan University)
- Institute of Cistercian Studies (Western Michigan University and Cistercian Publications Inc
- Search the Medieval Religion Discussion List Archive for Eckhart (Mailbase UK)
- Medieval Collections,University of California Berkeley Library
- Library of the Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame
- Mystics QuarterlyIowa City, IA.
Continues:Fourteenth Century English Mystics Newsletter - Eckhart Triebel’s German Website on Meister Eckhart
- NetSERF:
The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources - NOTEBOOK
The Meister Eckhart Site - The Labyrinth:
Resources for Medieval Studies - Library of Congress
- British Library
- Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Spiritual Sites
Related Sites
- The Tablet
- REEP (Religious Education and Environment Project)
- St Philips Books. A mail-order bookseller specializing in rare and secondhand Catholoic books including spirituality,theology and church history.
- PhiloSophos Knowledge Base
Open Learning resources and advice for philosophy students - Oliver Ford’s Eckhart Group on FaceBook
If you have suggestions for other links please contact Ronald Haynes at ronaldhaynes@yahoo.com